New Hanover Township
Burlington County, New Jersey
What is a ballot drop box?
A ballot drop box is a secure, locked structure operated by election officials where voters may deliver their ballots from the time they receive them in the mail up to the time polls close at 8 pm on Election Day, November 2, 2021. There will be at least 10 drop boxes located throughout each county, which will be available 24 hours a day. Drop boxes will be under surveillance by security cameras and collected daily by county election officials.
Secure Ballot Drop Box Locations (https://nj.gov/state/elections/vote-secure-drop-boxes.shtml)
What is a ballot drop box?
A ballot drop box is a secure, locked structure operated by election officials where voters may deliver their ballots from the time they receive them in the mail up to the time polls close at 8 pm on Election Day, November 2, 2021. There will be at least 10 drop boxes located throughout each county, which will be available 24 hours a day. Drop boxes will be under surveillance by security cameras and collected daily by county election officials.
Secure Ballot Drop Box Locations (https://nj.gov/state/elections/vote-secure-drop-boxes.shtml)

How to Complete and Return Your Vote-By-Mail Ballot
1. Look inside the envelope you receive in the mail for these items:
The ballot
An inner envelope with an attached certificate
A mailing envelope
2. Completely fill in the oval next to each of your selections in blue or black ink.
3.. Fill in and sign the certificate, keeping it attached to the inner envelope.
4. Place the ballot into the certificate envelope.
5. Then, place the certificate envelope into the mailing envelope.
6. Return your ballot. How you return it is up to you.
Mail: It must be postmarked on or before 8:00 p.m. November 2 and be received by your county's Board of Elections on or before November 8.
Ballot Drop Box: Place it in one of your county's secure ballot drop boxes by 8:00 p.m. on November 2.
Deliver it in person to your county's Board of Elections Office by 8:00 p.m. on November 2.
Register to vote online. (https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/voter-registration.shtml)
NJ Division of Elections (https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/) website
Visit Vote.NJ.Gov for full details, polling locations, and more answers to frequently asked questions.
You may also contact the Elections Hotline at 609-265 VOTE (8683), or call the Voter Information and Assistance Line at 1-877-NJ-VOTER (1-877-658-6837) for further information.
Supporting Documents
2021 General Election Early Voting Sites (103 KB) (see flyer #1 below – please link to this)
Early Voting Information Flyer (513 KB) (see flyer #2 below – please link to this)