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What if I can't pay my fines?

In the event that you are unable to make your fine or ticket payment, please call the court office at 609-894-3337. If you simply stop paying and don't advise us of your situation, we are not able to offer any solutions. To avoid any possible penalties, call us as soon as you know that you will not be able to make your payment.


What if I need an accommodation to appear in court?

The New Jersey Judiciary is proudly ADA compliant, as are Pemberton Township's facilities. Please call the court office at 609-894-3337 and let us know how we can best assist you with your court appearance. Click here for more information about the Judiciary's Title II ADA Procedures.


How can I get an interpreter?

The New Jersey Judiciary assures fair access to the court proceedings for everyone. We are happy to provide interpreting and sign language services to ensure that you can communicate effectively in the court room. Click here for more information about interpreters.


¿Cómo pido los servicios de un intérprete?


Will I get points on my license?

Click for a listing of traffic offenses with points associated for guilty pleas/payments


Will I get to speak to the prosecutor?

When you appear in court the prosecutor will call your name and you'll have an opportunity to talk about your case. If you have an attorney or the public defender, they will speak to the prosecutor on your behalf.


How can I sign a complaint against another person?

During normal Court hours (M-F from 8am to 4:30pm), you can come to the window and get forms to sign a complaint against someone. Court staff can answer some questions about the complaint process, but we cannot tell you a person's name, address, or driver's license number, or what offense you should charge them with. While we must accept all complaints for filing, if you don't have a correct name or address, the complaint may not be able to be served. The Pemberton Township Police Department can also take complaints 24 hours a day and may be able to offer a different level of assistance.


Why is my complaint going to mediation?

Mediation is an informal and confidential process which allows parties to meet with an impartial mediator who has received training to assist them in resolving their dispute. You may request mediation instead of filing a formal complaint. If you file a complaint, the Judge may order the case to mediation. Types of matters referred to mediation typically include neighborhood disputes and disputes between coworkers.


When can I get my bail back?

As long as you don't fail to appear for any court dates, you are eligible to get your bail returned as soon as your cases are completely resolved. You can also have your bail applied to any fines or costs that might be assessed at the resolution of your cases. If someone other than yourself posted bail for you, this person (known as a surety) will have to be present in order for the bail to be returned or applied. If you do not appear for all of your scheduled court appearances, your bail may be forfeited to the court.


Do I need a lawyer?

While we cannot answer that for you or give you legal advice, we can tell you that you have the right to an attorney or to proceed on your own. You may find the following helpful:

Click here for things to consider before deciding to proceed on your own.

Click here to access the Burlington County Bar Association's lawyer referral service.


Can I get a Public Defender?

Defendants facing the possibilities of jailtime, a loss of driving privileges, or fines of more than $800 are entitled to representation by a Public Defender if the Judge determines that the defendant cannot afford a lawyer. A financial questionnaire will be provided to you on the day of court if you would like to apply to be represented by the Public Defender. The Judge will review your application, determine if you qualify for the services of a Public Defender, and assess a fee up to $200.

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